As you know, having a clean credit report is essential to your financial future, and credit reporting errors can be extremely damaging and costly.
Our firm has extensive experience in protecting consumers, just like you from inaccurate credit reporting.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you have a right to the fair and accurate reporting of your credit information. You are also entitled to certain privacy rights concerning your credit information and protection from the misuse of your credit information.
If someone violates your rights under the FCRA, you have some remedies available. The type of remedy will depend on whether the violation was intentional or negligent.
If you suspect that your credit is inaccurate or If you have credit report errors that you cannot get removed, we can review your credit report at No Cost to you.
Why is fixing your credit report so important?
Because we have found that many credit reports contain errors after a bankruptcy.
And because those errors can damage, if not kill:
- Your ability to re-establish your credit,
- Your credit score,
- Your ability to qualify for a loan or credit,
- And, even if you do qualify, your ability to get as much of a loan as you need or the interest you deserve, and
- Generally, your ability to make the most of the “fresh start” your bankruptcy provided.
An accurate credit report can make all the difference. So, let’s get started. Here’s how.
How to Get Started pulling your report from Annual Credit Report:
You can request a report from without having to create an account with Experian. These reports should have the same information but will not include a credit score. You may not be able to pull all 3 reports. Please follow these steps if you do not want to pull all 3 reports from Experian.
- STEP 1: Go to
- STEP 2: Click on the red button that reads: “Request your free credit reports”
- STEP 3: Click on the red “Request your credit reports” button and fill out the form that pops up. Then, click on the red “Next” button
- STEP 4: Click on all 3 checkboxes for Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. Then, click on the red “Next” button
- STEP 5: Click on the “I am human” checkbox and click on the images it asks for to verify you are in fact a human.
- STEP 6: Review the information about you to make sure it is correct. If correct, type in your: (1) email address and (2) phone number. Then, click on the blue “CONTINUE” button. Then, “Confirm Your Identity” as instructed. Then, click on the blue “CONTINUE” button. Doing so will pull up your credit report.
- STEP 7: Click on “Save & Print My Report”. Then, click on “Print” (You can print/save as a .pdf or print and scan the report to us.
- Note: If you choose to print the report and not save it as a .pdf, please make sure your printer has loaded plenty of paper. This one report can be 40 some pages long.
- STEP 8: To get the next of the 3 reports, click on the red “Get your next report or finish”. Then, follow the instructions on the screen to get the next report and so forth until you have printed out all 3 reports.
- STEP 9: Please take a few minutes to review it thoroughly for anything you think is an error. Email us to let us know what errors you think you have found.
- Note: You could mark up your printed out reports to show us errors you think you have found.
- STEP 10: Once your reports are pulled, we ask that you review it thoroughly for any errors you may see and notify us if anything is out of the ordinary.
- STEP 11: Once we have all 3 of your credit reports it typically takes our firm 3-5 business days to review your report. We will email you with an update after your report is reviewed.
If you run into any difficulties or have any questions about the process, please call us at (916) 290-7778.