Today, October 10th is World Mental Health Day, and our staff here at Gale, Angelo, Johnson & Patrick would like to acknowledge the impact and importance of mental health.
The past couple of years have pushed many individuals worldwide to focus on their own mental health. Internally, we have encouraged our staff to focus on their own mental health and find a work/life balance. I asked some of our staff to outline what helps them become centered and focus on their own mental health.
As you read some of our experiences, we hope you take some time to do a mental health check-in today, and remember that your feelings are valid!
“I am by nature a habitual Type-A personality and have been a workaholic my entire life. This past year I have put a focus on true work/life balance which is encouraged by our partners. Some of my consistent habits are hydration, physical activity, therapy, reading, and going to concerts but most recently I started golfing. Golf has been an incredible outlet for me, I leave my phone in my golf bag and just focus on the game. It is 3-4 hours of sunshine and peace (and if I am being honest, some choice words…lol) versus me trying to control everything around me. My brain gets to recharge and I also get to enjoy it with my fiancé, family and friends.” – Brittany Klein, Chief Operating Officer
“When the pandemic hit I quickly realized the importance of focusing on mental health, and more importantly filling my cup that I continue to empty. For me this looks like going for morning sunshine walks, riding the peloton, playing volleyball or having a dance party in the kitchen with my cat. Even just 10 minutes of “me” time that doesn’t involve thinking or serving others is a way to breathe.” – Kaitlyn Monck, Legal Assistant
“It is challenging for me to stay present as I am constantly thinking about the things and people that need something from me. I try to “stack” positive habits so I can make my wellbeing a priority. I stack/pick three things I want to accomplish that day, such as hydration, exercise, and meditation. On days that are difficult to stack good habits, I try not to feel bad about myself and try to fit in at least one thing such as exercise, writing or reflection. When I feel like I need more information or ideas, I turn to fitness, wellness, and food professionals to stay motivated. We also start a gratitude jar every New Year’s Day. It helps us remember the wonderful things we are grateful for and created happiness for us. Here is a picture of the jar almost completely full for 2022. We will read all of these on New Year’s Eve!” – Lisa Walker, Receptionist
“My go to habit to support my mental health is to set aside time in the evening to read and then journal by candle light. I am very intentional of creating a space of serenity that includes one or more of the elements such as fire from candles and wind from my open door. I also find it soothing to make music playing low to block out the background noises. This has become a staple for me because it helps me decompress from my day and allows me release stress and anxiety.” – Jasmine Adams, Legal Assistant
“One of my habits to stay on top of my mental health is to make time for myself. At least one morning a week, I will make myself brunch and eat it outside in the sunshine while listening to a podcast or audio book. It provides me time to feel centered and reconnect with myself on a harder day, which is important for a working mom.” – Trishia Ures, Paralegal